
目前顯示的是 7月, 2017的文章

Writing microservices with Go Micro

This is a high level guide to writing microservices with go-micro . If you want to learn more about microservices check out the introductory blog post here and if you want to know more about Micro , the microservice toolkit, look here . Let’s get to it. What is Go Micro? Go Micro is a pluggable RPC based library which provides the fundamental building blocks for writing microservices in Go. The Micro philosophy is “batteries included” with a pluggable architecture. Out of the box, it implements service discovery using consul, communication via http and encoding using proto-rpc or json-rpc. That’s a bit of a mouthful so let’s break it down. Go Micro is: 1 A library written in Go 2 A set of pluggable interfaces 3 RPC based Go Micro provides interfaces for: 1 Service Discovery 2 Encoding 3 Client/Server 4 Pub/Sub A more detailed breakdown can be found here . Why Go Micro? Go Micro started more than a year ago, initially serving a personal need. I...

Micro — a microservices toolkit

This is a repost of the original blog post from blog.micro.mu By now you may have heard of this new phenomenon, microservices . If you’re not yet familiar and interested in learning more, checkout our introductory post here . In this blog post we’re going to discuss Micro , an open source microservices toolkit. Micro provides the core requirements for building and managing microservices. It consists of a set of libraries and tools which are primarily geared towards development in the programming language Go , however looks to solve for other languages via HTTP using a Sidecar . Before we get to the details of Micro, let’s talk about why we decided to dedicate our time to it. Development or Deployment It’s clear from our past experiences and what we’re seeing in the industry that there’s a need for a focus on development rather than deployment. PaaS solutions are readily available. Companies like AWS, Google and Microsoft are providing feature rich platforms while also rapidl...
What is API Developer Experience and Why It Matters API developer experience is a relatively novel focus aimed to improve API design so it provides a seamless experience to developers when writing software. It can help increase programmers’ efficience and make it easier for developers to achieve goals on behalf of end users. Jeremiah Lee Cohick, software engineer at  Fitbit  with a penchant for user experience, frames API experience in the broader  developer experience  (DX) field. DX encompasses many aspects of the relationship between programmers and the platform they are developing for, such as trust, education, tools, and platform usability. Specifically, he describes API experience as the  UX of APIs , which ends up being a critical part of the development cycle phase dedicated to writing code. In a  2014 presentation at Web Directions , Cohick identified four key concerns that can help reach the goal of API excellence: Functionality : what p...