Install nova essex(all-in-one) with dodai-deploy on ubuntu 12.04

reference Guan, Xiaohua blog

I will introduce how to install openstack nova essex(all-in-one) on ubuntu 12.04 with dodai-deploy.

Install dodai-deploy
Please refer to  for details. I will use the following command to install dodai-deploy.

curl | sudo sh

After installation, the Web UI can be accessed via url http://$SERVER:3000.

In the page above, there is a step-by-step guidance. I will install nova with the same steps. Add a node Select a node and click "Create Node" button.
After the node was added, the node will be displayed on the "Listing nodes" page.
Install keystone essex Open the "New proposal" page, select "openstack essex keystone" and leave values of all the config items and config files as default.
Click "Create Proposal" button, and the proposal of keystone will be created.
The proposal created will be displayed on the page "Listing proposals".
Click "Install" link, the keystone will begin to install. After the installation finished, the state of the proposal will become "Installed". When the state become installed, the "Test" link will be displayed. The test will be started by clicking "Test" link.
Install glance essex With the same steps to install keystone, create the proposal for glance, install it and then test it. Install nova essex With the same steps to install keystone or glance, nova will be installed. After testing the proposal for nova, the result of page "Listing proposals" will be the something like the followings.
BTW, when testing nova, the ttylinux image will be used to create instances. Use openstack dashboard Openstack dashboard can be accessed with the URL "http://$SERVER".
Log into the dashboard with admin/admin(user/password).
Use euca2ools Export environment variables for euca2ools and nova commands.
Confirm images.
Confirm the instance
SSH into the instance



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